“Drizella” (2:06) is a video short inspired by the original story of “Cinderella” by the Brothers Grimm, and is portrayed from the evil step sister, Drizella’s perspective. In the Brothers Grimm story, Drizella is forced to cut off her toes to jam her feet into the golden (not glass) shoe. Symbolic visuals in this video brood the tension and forces surrounding her desperate decision. The shadow of the swaying tree is Cinderella’s mother, haunting Drizella. The birds in the original story peck out Drizella’s eyes. This is a video portrait of this “evil" character who may just be a bit misunderstood. “Drizella” is an official selection at the Newport Beach Film Festival and at the New York City Independent Film Festival.
Director: Susan J Chen
Producer: Alfred Yan
Director of Photography: Andrew Eckmann
Drizella: Aussie Guevara
Editor: Susan J Chen
First AC: Chris Tipton King
Grip: John South, Tyler Duchanel, Troy Thompson
Dolly: Neil Kelly
Production Designer: Damian Alvarado
Stylist: Andrea Guindi
MUA: Jacqueline Wray
Painter: Krista Rojas
Sound Design: Drew Joy
Birds Wrangler: Elizabeth Young
Birds: Morning (Thunder) Bell and Stella the Fella
Set Builder: Courtney Atkinsky
Special Thanks: Jon Fontana, Charlie Maier and Sandbox Studios