“Being” (1:13) is a surreal and experimental video short, conceptually about the human condition. A man is walking forward, seemingly aimlessly toward nothing and into an abyss of white. Mirroring the mindless marching of the black beetle, the man’s fate is futile as is the beetle flailing helplessly on its back. The dead tree already foreshadows their death. The man, the bug, and the dead tree metaphorically and visually blend into the same fate of being, and disappear into the white. This video was shot over 2 days, chasing foggy days which was surprisingly harder than it sounds due to the unpredictability of the fog. No bugs were harmed in the making of this short. “Being” was exhibited at Ex Abrupto in Moià, Cataluna, Spain.
Special thanks to:
Wes Yun
Drew Eckmann
Norm Gershenz and Keith Frerichs at
Alfred Yan
Karl the Fog